South African Indigenous Flowering Plants

Gladiolus cruentus

HLEM  Flower of the Critically Endangered Gladiolus cruentus a South African indigenous plant found growing on cliffs a South African endemic indigenous plant Durban KZN South Africa

Flower of the Critically Endangered Gladiolus cruentus a South African indigenous plant found growing on cliffs

HLEM  Critically Endangered local endemic Gladiolus cruentus we have propogated and have a number of these plants growing at our home a South African indigenous plant Durban KZN South Africa

Critically Endangered local endemic Gladiolus cruentus we have propogated and have a number of these plants growing at our home



Scientific Name

Gladiolus cruentus

Status and Criteria 

Critically Endangered B2ab(ii,iii,iv,v)


Endemic to South African

Provincial distribution

Range    Between Pietermaritzburg, Pinetown and Inanda, with isolated occurrences at Umbululu, Little Noodsberg and Kranskop.


Green Roof



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HLEM hlengiwe luthuli environmental management blog
Ecoman environmental management and indigenous landscape expert

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This page was  created on 20.01.2018
This page was last updated on 20.01.2018